Course APP | University of Westminster, London 西敏寺大學

  • 學校名稱
    University of Westminster, London
    London 倫敦

    University of Westminster是位於倫敦的一所英國公立綜合類研究型大學。學校位於繁華璀璨的倫敦攝政街,為享譽世界的環球十大新聞傳媒學院之一。大學誕生於1838年,擁有近兩百年的悠久歷史,前身是皇家理工學院(the Royal Polytechnic Institution),根據歷年英國三大國內高校專業排名,威敏的傳媒與媒體專業均位居英國Top3,且在2013QS專項排名中高居英國第一,歐洲第二,全球前20。現有24000多名學生,為英國最大的大學之一。由四個院舍組成,校總部設於攝政街上,其他三個在倫敦的費茲洛維亞、馬利波昂和哈羅。這所大學以媒體相關科系出名,2019年QS世界大學排名將其媒體與通信(Media and Communications)專業列全球第40。

    西敏大學開設課程包括學士、碩士、博士學位課程以及海外學習和國際交流計畫。碩士課程內容涉獵廣泛,如: 財會、經濟、商學、電腦科學、電子電機、建築、室內設計、藝術設計、電視電影、音樂、時尚、攝影、繪畫、教育、英語、語言學、法律、心理學、觀光、生物醫學、生物科學、營養學等。


    Faculty of Science and Technology (Cavendish)

    Faculty of Media, Arts and Design (Harrow)

    Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (Regent)

    Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (Marylebone)

    Westminster Law School (Regent)

    Westminster Business School (Marylebone)

    CourseAPP's PICK
    School of Architecture and Cities
    >Architecture and Interiors
    >Planning and Urban Design
    >Tourism and Events Management
    >Transport and Logistics
    School of Computer Science and Engineering
    >Business Information Systems
    >Computer and Network Engineering
    >Computer Science and Software Engineering
    >Digital Media and Games Computing
    Westminster School of Arts
    >Art and Design
    Westminster School of Media and Communications
    >Art and Design
    >Journalism, PR and Advertising
    >Media Management, Media Production & Social Media
    School of Humanities
    >English, History
    > Linguistics, Languages
    > Visual Culture
    School of Life Sciences
    >Biomedical Sciences
    School of Social Sciences
    >Politics and International Relations
    School of Applied Management
    >Project Management
    >Property and Construction Management
    Finance and Accounting
    School of Management and Marketing
    >Business Management
    >Management and Leadership Development
    >Marketing Management
    Organisations, Economy and Society
    >Human Resource Management
    >International Business